Online Textbook

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Click The Bug To Get the Book!

We’ll try out this online textbook – you can’t lose it, and it is free. You just need a way of reading it. Talk to me if this is a problem.

Please join my class online using the instructions below.

I’d like you to join my CK-12 class:
Cristo Rey Biology

Joining my class allows me to share content with you and keep track of how well you do on your CK-12 practice assignments.

To join:

  1. Make sure you’re logged into Google with your Cristo Rey Jesuit email – …

  2. Click: (opens in a new tab)

  3. Find this button and join: Screen Shot 2014-01-22 at 12.07.28 PM

  4. Click Groups.

  5. Click Join a Group.

  6. Enter code: hjbfu

If you already have a CK-12 account, sign in and join with this link: (opens in a new tab)